Municipal Wildlife Needs in SW Missouri

The Critter Control of SW Missouri team takes pride in providing our community with any wildlife control needs they may have. We realize there are cases where municipals can't afford or don't need a full-time officer, or, for whatever reason, they might not have access to these services. Critter Control of SW Missouri is here to help with that. We pride ourselves in offering exceptional rodent removal services. Have a bat control issue or dealing with animals in the attic? Need a mouse exterminator? We can help.Municipal Wildlife Control in SW Missouri

Critter Control of SW Missouri is there to help when communities require:

Municipal Wildlife Control

It is important to us that our services are available for anyone who needs animal removal. Critter Control of SW Missouri has provided municipal customers with many wildlife control services, including:

  • Wildlife Control
  • Road Kill Removal
  • Rodent Control
  • Nuisance Wildlife Removal

Some of these communities require service but don't have professional staff in place to address these tasks; if this is the case, they contact Critter Control of SW Missouri. Our Springfield technicians are experienced with municipal wildlife control and offer only the most effective results.

What to do if there's a sick wildlife animal on your property

If there's a sick wildlife animal such as a raccoon or bat on your property, we can take care of it. Do not touch the animal--it could be carrying a disease, or it could bite and injure you. 

It is vital to us that our services are readily available for anyone who's in need of animal removal and wildlife management. Critter Control of SW Missouri has assisted multiple municipal customers with their wildlife needs, including roadkill removal, rodent control, pigeon problems, geese removal, and more.

Routine Patrols

If there is an area in the city that could benefit from a routine critter patrol, give us a call. We understand that your municipal may not have the funds or connection to a full-time office. We can keep a consistent eye on the area for any nuisance wildlife such as raccoons, rats, geese, squirrels, and more. 

Rodent Removal

It's common for rodents like rats and mice to infest commercial buildings, including offices and apartments. These rodents not only scare customers, but they are dangerous to have on-site. Rats and mice spread diseases with their feces, and there's the potential of one biting a customer. Rodent control is essential to a healthy building maintenance plan.

If you suspect you have a rodent control issue in your SW Missouri building, we will start by identifying any of the entry points. We will eradicate the issue, then seal everything up so you don’t encounter the same problem in the future.

Whether you need on-call services, squirrel removal, routine patrols, or emergency wildlife control assistance, call Critter Control of SW Missouri today! 417.815.4476